Owner and managing director of the marketing consultancy company Prime Code, Business Strategy Leader at Blue Fox. Doctor of economics in management sciences. Lecturer in WEMBA at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and MBA at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota and also certified marketing programmes of The Chartered Institute of Marketing in London. Instructor of management and marketing training programmes.
Consultant in marketing strategy, branding, marketing communication and marketing effectiveness. Ministerial and local government expert in publicity policy, including for the Ministry of Regional Development in the promotion of European funds. Experienced brand and marketing manager.
Author of the books “Marka na cztery sposoby” (Brand in Four Ways), “Kod skuteczności” (Code of Being Effective), “Mity marketingowe” (Marketing Myths), “(R)ewolucja marki” (Brand (R)evolution), “Pozycjonowanie produktu” (Product Positioning) and many articles on positioning, brand strategies and other issues in strategic marketing. He also co-authored the book “Wskaźniki marketingowe” (Marketing Indicators). He runs a marketing-themed blog.
I am inspired by: good role models and good examples
I have no time: for petty matters
My defining characteristic is: I’m adamant when it comes to technical matters
A personality trait I’m trying to overcome: impatience
Which of my traits makes people angry: let other people judge
What people value me for: see above
What I don’t like in people: ignorance combined with self-satisfaction
What I bring into the team: a broad outlook
What I have learnt at Synergia: I’m still learning
Favourite quote: all those that ring true
Favourite sketch/film/etc.: more than one
I would recommend to everyone: to learn about what’s different from our own experience