Paulina Kowalczyk

Holder of a doctoral degree in humanities, specialising in art studies, art historian, artist, author of written works, proofreader, and a soprano. An activist for the Lublin region multi-cultural heritage and a member of the management board of the Panorama of Cultures Association. Cooperated with numerous scientific and cultural institutions, including Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore), National Library/Polona, Polish History Museum, The Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Museum, The “Grodzka Gate ‐ NN Theatre” Centre in Lublin, Episteme Scientific Publishers. Specialises in content marketing.

I am inspired by: humans.

I have no time for: knitting, finishing a few articles and writing a novel.

What distinguishes me: perceptiveness, a surreal sense of humour and the ability to discuss any and all topics.

What I try to change in myself: emotional attachment to objects which I keep collecting in horrific amounts.

What annoys others about me: the fact that it’s hard to make me leave house and go out.

What others appreciate about me: empathy, intuition and ease of finding information.

What I dislike about others: unreliability, snobbery, judging by appearances, hypocrisy, and selfishness.

My contribution to the team: neophyte zeal, fresh point of view, and well-written content.

What I learnt in Synergia: that there’s a human side to marketing.

Favourite quote: “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you” – Woody Allen | “What strange forms the madness of sane people can take […]” – Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, Farewell to Autumn | “I have the ambition to use the inalienable right to decide for myself what is appropriate and what is not appropriate for a woman my age” – Katarzyna Nosowska

Favourite sketch/movie/etc.: Monty Python (all of their works); Whatever Works, Annie Hall, Manhattan (dir. Woody Allen); Leo Tolstoy Anna Karenina; Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice; Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird; music – anything featuring Maynard James Keenan (Tool, A Perfect Circle, Puscifer); in visual and conceptual terms  – 16th and 17th century Dutch engravings.

What I recommend to everyone: get enough sleep and verify the information before passing it on.


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